Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend we had a lot of fun together as a family.

Saturday we went fishing with my brother and his family. Zach told Parker that a lunker was a big fish, so every fish we caught Parker called it a "Huge Wonker!" He loves fishing, and him and his dad caught 8 "Wonkers!"

Sunday we went to my mom's house for dinner. My cousin's from Utah were here so we went to see them. Parker loves his cousin Caden. After hanging out with my family we headed to Zach's moms house.

Monday we went to a BBQ with the Talbots, and then headed shopping to Pocy. We also decided to take Parker to the zoo while we were there. Parker loves animals, and has been begging us to take him. Parker has also been begging me for a puppy, and with our house for sale I refused to let him have one, so we compromised on a kitten. So, while we were in Pocy we stopped and let him pick out a kitten. He absolutely loves his kitten!


Misty said...

Your little kitten is so cute! Looks like you had a great weekend!