Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We've got SNOW!

So, today Parker and Kadance begged me to let them go out and play in the snow. They had fun for about 45 minutes until they came in the house saying they were "frrrreezing!" So, we warmed up with some hot cocoa.

(Parker insisted on wearing his ski goggles.)

When the kids went out to play Kinzie got pretty upset that she didn't get to go! But then she got over it, and was fine with just watching from the window! What a funny girl!


Mrs. B said...

YOU are a funny girl! Parker with those goggles should be your Christmas card. So cute!

Debra Darling said...

Your Parker is so cute. Wow. I am super sad that I won't be there this Christmas. I miss all the girls so much. Please send my best Christmas wishes.